About Us

The Vision

The vision for VFC VR was born out of Vehicles for Change, a nonprofit organization that empowers families with financial challenges to achieve economic and personal independence. Full Circle Service Center and Training Program is a subsidiary of Vehicles for Change. When you support Full Circle, you allow Vehicles for Change to award much-needed vehicles to low-income families. You also provide formerly incarcerated men and women a second chance at life as our Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified master mechanics teach them how to become advanced auto mechanics through our training program. Martin Schwartz, President of Vehicles for Change, saw the benefits that virtual reality would bring to the Full Circle Training Program. Marty wants to bring those benefits to other sectors: high schools, community colleges, correctional facilities, non-profit organizations, and retail businesses.


Martin Schwartz


Andre Cary

Chief Operating Officer

Davine Snead

Vice President of Development


Geoff Crawford

Vice President of Virtual Reality


Chantal Bowlah



David Greenberg

Director of Training and Marketing

Marice Rogers

Senior Account Manager


Jayesh Chavan

Operations Manager


In the News

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Voice of America

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Scripps News

Hear from VR trainees and facilitators

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